Wednesday, February 14, 2007

More knowledge about Imam Mahdi

That which is left you by Allah (Hojat) is best for you, if you believed. [1]

We have lots of statements from other Imams about Imam Mahdi which describe about him. Here are some of his properties:

Name: His name is same as Prophet Mohammad's Name. In lots of statements we prohibit calling him by this name, that's why some writers write his name with separate alphabets or use his nicknames or cognomens.

Cognomens: He has numbers of nicknames, each of them describe one of his characteristics. The famous one is MAHDI which is meaning the person who led in the right way. One of the Imam Bagher's companions asked him what does Mahdi mean and why 12th Imam called with this name? He replied: "his name is Mahdi; because he'll guide his companions to something that hidden and he'll decipher the original Mosaic Law and all other holly books and will judge for any religions followers by their holly books. He'll govern whole world and share wealth between people and tell them come and get these. These are wealth and money's that you fight for them and forgot your kinships, killed each other and corruption. Prophet Mohammad said He is from my blood, his name is as mine and God will keep and renew my government with him. He does like what I acted and makes the Earth full of trust and justice which was filled with cruelty and oppression before."[2] Another nickname is Baghiyatollah which means things that God left. Saheb ol Zaman (owner of career) is the other one. He also has another famous nickname which is Gha'em. This name means the person who'll revolt. When ever Imam Reza heard this name, stood and put his hand over his head and said:
O God! Manifest him as soon as possible and make it easy for him.

There is a statement that Imam Reza said about this name:
He named Gha'em, because he'll manifest when his name will be forgotten, during that time most of people who think they are his companion will apostasy him.[3]

Alias: He has a same alias as Prophet Mohammad. He also has another one which is "Aboo Saleh", and means Father of "Saleh". We don't know if he has children or not, but there is a tradition in Arabs when a baby is born, they select a name like this as alias for him/her.

Parents: His father was Imam Askari, which was 11th Imam of Shiite. Imam Mahdi is ninth grand son of Imam Hossein. Also Imam Hassan's daughter married with Imam Sajjad and delivered Imam Bagher, so through this way Imam Mahdi is one of Imam Hassan's grand son too. And from these two ways he is a grand son of Prophet Mohammad and also Prophet Abraham. Beside these relations, Imam Sajjad's Mother was Shahr Banoo who was daughter of Iran's emperor. Imam Mahdi's mother was Melaka (or Narjes). Her Father was Yashooa who was Rome's emperor and her 7th Grand father was Peter who was guardian after prophet Jesus. Story of her marriage with Imam Askari is so interesting. So Imam Mahdi is grand son of prophets of most religions and also offspring of two big emperors in the world on that time.

O God! Increase our knowledge about him and include us in his prays, Amen.
[1] Quran, Hood, Ayah 86. [Back]
[2] "Behar Ol Anvar", Volume 51, Page 29 & 30, Statement 2. [Back]
[3] "Kefayat ol Asar", Page 283 , Also in "Mekyal Ol Makarem", Volume 2, Page 129. [Back]

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