Sunday, February 4, 2007

Why we must know our IMAM?

One day we shall call together all human beings with their -respective- Imams. [1]

Each wise person should try to find his God and Prophets. It means after he believes God, he should accept all Prophets that God has sent to human kind. Not only acceptance, but he should try to do what ever they said and be responsible for all of their commands that came on God's behalf. What is the next step? Is it okay with you if somebody says that this rule will be destroyed if Prophet dies? Of Corse not! We believe that after Prophets God determine some people as Imam (leader) for us to obey them and solve our entire man kind's problem with them. But who are they? This is our responsibility to research and find them. Prophet Mohammad peace be upon him said:
"Who ever die and didn't find his Imam, will die like the pagan Arabs before Islam (Jahelia)."[2]

Jahelia is an expression of living before Islam which was full of deviations, inequalities and aberrations. By this verse Prophet Mohammad wants to tell us that if we accept God and all of the Prophets, but refuse to know and accept current Imam, we are not Moslems and if we die under this circumstance, we will die like a non Moslem (Jahel). It means that all of our duties (Amaal) will be accepted by God just if we believe to God, Prophet and Imam. For example for the people who lives in Imam Sadegh career, it was necessary to believe and obey him and if somebody denied him he was not Moslem.

Now in this world and current period our Imam is "Imam Mahdi" and we must try to know him. Imam Mahdi is the twelfths Imam and also the last one. Beside acceptance of God, Prophet and all of the past Imams we us must accept him too.

When Imam Reza travel to Neyshaboor in the way of Toos, some of the learned Sunnite people came to him and asked him to tell them a verse (Hadis). He replied them by a verse that came from God through Prophet Mohammad and all of his grandfathers:
"Believing in God is my strong and secure castle, who ever come into it, will escape from my punishment (Azaab)."

So Sunnite people exited and let him to continue his trip, but Imam adds a comment to his verse and said:
"It has some conditions and I am one of those conditions." [3]

As told before we must know and obey our current Imam which is Imam Mahdi to escape from God's punishment (Azaab) and enter to heaven in the next life. O God! Help us to get some divine knowledge about him and all his fathers and transfer us from this world to another one with this faith. Amen.
[1] Quran, Bani Israeel ( Al Asraa), Ayah 71 [Back]
[2] Mosnad Ahmad bin Hanbal 2/73 – Sahih Al Bokhari 5/13 – Sahih Al Moslem #1849
Also in Kafi (Koleyni) 1/377 – Kamal Al Din (Sheykh Sadoogh) 39/410, 411 [Back]
[3] Oyoun Akhbar Al Reza (Sheykh Sadoogh) Segment 37 Volume 2 Page 134 Hadis 4 [Back]


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N. Shaf.

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